Positions 4
PhD studentship at Queen Mary, University of London
A BBSRC PhD studentship (for UK students only - EU students may be eligible for funding) is available for three years from October 2008 to work in my laboratory at Queen Mary, University of London.
A provisional project title is "Conformational changes during the photocycle of a bacterial phytochrome". Further information is available from
The main requirement is for a motivated and qualified scientist with a commitment to solving important biological problems by means of structural analysis, including X-ray crystallography.
Please bring this opportunity to the attention of any interested graduate or final-year undergraduate in your research group or department.
Applicants are invited to apply at the earliest opportunity. The position is open until filled.
Dr Norbert Krauss
Senior Lecturer in Structural Biology
School of Biological and Chemical Sciences
Queen Mary, University of London
Walter Besant Building
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
e-mail: n.krauss@qmul.ac.uk