Examples of electron density

Figures from Bernhard Rupp's book "Biomolecular Crystallography" (with permission by the author)Edit

There is more material (all figures, citations, tutorials) at the book's overview page.

You can see the full-size, high-resolution figure by clicking on it.

Cis-peptide bond and its electron densityEdit


Covalently modified residuesEdit


Covalent binding of ligandsEdit


Additives mediating intermolecular contactsEdit


Heavy-atom derivatization of a proteinEdit


The trimeric bacterial outer membrane protein OprPEdit


Chemically modified lysine residue (Dimethyllysine)Edit


Glycosylated residues stabilizing homodimerEdit


Uranium-atom solution and Fourier truncation ripplesEdit


Solvent molecules (water, MPD, Mg2+)Edit


(Pete Dunten had noticed that PDB code 2nls should be 1nls; this is now in the book's errata; the above legend has the correction.)

Split side-chain conformationsEdit


Se-Met residues and chloride ionEdit