Bernhards key bindings for

Revision as of 15:47, 10 September 2008 by Bernhardcl (talk | contribs)
add_key_binding("Refine Active Residue", "r", lambda: manual_refine_residues(0))
add_key_binding("Refine Active Residue AA", "x", lambda: refine_active_residue())
add_key_binding("Triple Refine", "t", lambda: manual_refine_residues(1))
add_key_binding("Triple Refine AA", "h", lambda: refine_active_residue_triple())
add_key_binding("Autofit Rotamer", "j", lambda: auto_fit_rotamer_active_residue())
add_key_binding("Pepflip", "q", lambda: pepflip_active_residue())
add_key_binding("Got To Blob", "g", lambda: blob_under_pointer_to_screen_centre())
add_key_binding("Add Water", "w", lambda: place_typed_atom_at_pointer("Water"))
add_key_binding("Eigen-flip Ligand", "e", lambda: flip_active_ligand())

def key_binding_func_1():
    active_atom = active_residue()
    if (not active_atom):<nowiki><nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here
        print "No active atom"
        imol      = active_atom[0]
        chain_id  = active_atom[1]
        res_no    = active_atom[2]
        ins_code  = active_atom[3]
        atom_name = active_atom[4]
        alt_conf  = active_atom[5]
        add_terminal_residue(imol, chain_id, res_no, "auto", 1)
add_key_binding("Add terminal residue", "y", lambda: key_binding_func_1())

def key_binding_func_2():
    active_atom = active_residue()
    if (not active_atom):
        print "No active atom"
        imol      = active_atom[0]
        chain_id  = active_atom[1]
        res_no    = active_atom[2]
        ins_code  = active_atom[3]
        atom_name = active_atom[4]
        alt_conf  = active_atom[5]
        fill_partial_residue(imol, chain_id, res_no, ins_code)
add_key_binding("Fill Partial", "k", lambda: key_binding_func_2())

def key_binding_func_3():
    if ( == 'nt'):
        home = os.getenv('COOT_HOME')
        home = os.getenv('HOME')
    dir_1 = os.path.join(home, "data", "rnase")
    read_pdb(os.path.join(dir_1, "tutorial-modern.pdb"))
    make_and_draw_map(os.path.join(dir_1, "rnasa-1.8-all_refmac1.mtz"),
                      "", 0, 0)
add_key_binding("Load RNAs files", "F9", lambda: key_binding_func_3())

def key_binding_func_4():
    keyboard_ghosts_mol = -1
    for mol in model_molecule_list():
        if (ncs_ghosts(mol)):
            keyboard_ghosts_mol = mol
    if (draw_ncs_ghosts_state(keyboard_ghosts_mol) == 0):
        set_draw_ncs_ghosts(keyboard_ghosts_mol, 1)
        set_draw_ncs_ghosts(keyboard_ghosts_mol, 0)
add_key_binding("Toggle Ghosts", ":", lambda: key_binding_func_4())
add_key_binding("Hydrogens off", "(", lambda: set_draw_hydrogens(0, 0))
add_key_binding("Hydrogens on", ")", lambda: set_draw_hydrogens(0, 1))

def key_binding_func_5():
    active_atom = active_residue()
    if (not active_atom):
        add_status_bar_text("No active residue")
        imol      = active_atom[0]
        chain_id  = active_atom[1]
        res_no    = active_atom[2]
        ins_code  = active_atom[3]
        atom_name = active_atom[4]
        alt_conf  = active_atom[5]
        name = get_rotamer_name(imol, chain_id, res_no, ins_code)
        if (not name):
            add_status_bar_text("No Name found")
            if (name == ""):
                add_status_bar_text("No name for this")
                add_status_bar_text("Rotamer name: " + name)
add_key_binding("Rotamer name in Status Bar", "~", lambda: key_binding_func_5())