
King's College London

Cardiovascular Division and Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics

A postdoctoral position is immediately available for a highly motivated molecular biologist/biochemist with an interest in structural biology (macromolecular crystallography and NMR) to perform structure-function studies of proteins and protein complexes involved in control of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in redox signalling.

The position is supported by a British Heart Foundation Centre of Excellence scheme and is part of a research collaboration between the groups of Drs Sasi Conte and Roberto Steiner (Randall Division of Cell and Molecular Biophysics) and Professor Ajay Shah (Cardiovascular Division). Excellent infrastructure support is available to carry out the project.

The salary is Grade 6, SP31 which translates into: £30,594 plus £2,323 (London weighting) per annum. The position is initially funded for 18 months.

For informal enquiries please contact: roberto.steiner@kcl.ac.uk

