Split NMR-style multiple model pdb files into individual models

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This assumes that you have a correctly formatted pdb file that contains both MODEL and ENDMDL records.

Bash/awk one-liner

This one-liner splits the file models.pdb into individual pdb files named model_###.pdb.

 grep -n 'MODEL\|ENDMDL' models.pdb | cut -d: -f 1 | \
 awk '{if(NR%2) printf "sed -n %d,",$1+1; else printf "%dp > model_%03d.pdb\n", $1-1,NR/2;}' |  bash -sf

Bash script

 while read -a line; do
   echo "${line[@]}" >> model_${i}.pdb
   [[ ${line[0]} == ENDMDL ]] && ((i++))
 done < /path/to/file.pdb

Awk script

Should be called as

 awk -f script.awk < models.pdb
 BEGIN {file = 0; filename = "model_"  file ".pdb"}
 /ENDMDL/ {getline; file ++; filename = "model_" file ".pdb"}
 {print $0 > filename}

Perl script

 $base='1g9e';open(IN,"<$base.pdb");@indata = <IN>;$i=0;
 foreach $line(@indata) {
 if($line =~ /^MODEL/) {++$i;$file="${base}_$i.pdb";open(OUT,">$file");next}
 if($line =~ /^ENDMDL/) {next}
 if($line =~ /^ATOM/ || $line =~ /^HETATM/) {print OUT "$line"}

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