Days of Opportunity

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type
Publisher The Book Supply Company
Year of Publication 1924
Pages 40
Additional information -

If you are inclined to lament and say,
There are no opportunities found today,
With the rest of the world you're out of step,
Your body and mind are short on pep.

Opportunities once flew thick and fast,
In years far in the distant past,
You'll know they are here today, instead,
If you read the lives of men that are dead.

Read Abraham Lincoln, American,
Enshrined in the heart of every man.
He was born honest in humble obscurity,
He made for himself his opportunity.

To the White House and the President's chair,
No American boy need have despair,
There is nothing a boy can't overcome,
With talent and energy making the run.

Read Horace Greeley, in poverty born,
His name does history's page adorn,
Benjamin Franklin's life and deeds,
Give inspiration for youthful needs.

John Jacob Astor started poor,
He peddled goods from door to door,
Thomas Edison of our present day,
Has traveled far along the way.

These men did not lament and say,
No opportunities are there today,
By grit and ambition, pluck and skill,
They made opportunity through, "I Will."

Today is the golden day of days,
Opportunity all around you plays,
Much depends that you keep on a-trying,
If you climb like Studebakers people are buying.

car model

—The Car with Character.