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Bibliographic Information
Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type
Publisher The Book Supply Company
Year of Publication 1924
Pages 75
Additional information -

Fortune comes through diligence and skill,
There is always a way where there is a will,
Industry of hand as well as of brain,
Makes everything easy that’s worthy of gain.

Our labor should always be well directed,
No slighting for cause to be rejected.
Genius may all great works begin,
Labor’s the thing that makes them win.

This rule is good for most every man,
The more we do, the more we can.
More busy we are, more leisure we have,
For play to serve as our safety valve.

The mind of man has been so made,
That happiness in him will quickly fade,
If slothful habits he does acquire,
And industry is not his chief desire.

Industry will our talents improve,
Deficiencies from our abilities remove.
With energies noble it is in accord,
It brings to all its highest reward.

Industry travels the road with joy,
Duty is also along to convoy.
There is no possible way to progress,
If we no love for labor possess.

The bread we earn by sweat of the brow,
Is bread most blessed we must allow.
It is far sweeter may all confess
Than the tasteless loaf of idleness.

As long as one lives and stirs all around,
There’s food and dress for him to be found.
Industry is said to be a health maker,
We find it in selling the Six Studebaker.

car model

—The Car with Character.