Knutsford Park Races

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author McKay, Claude
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book Constab Ballads
Publisher London Watts & Co.
Year of Publication 1912
Pages 59-61
Additional information -

BATCH o' p'licemen, lookin' fine,
Tramp away to de car line ;
No more policemen can be
Smart as those from Half Way Tree :
Happy, all have happy faces,
For 'tis Knutsford Park big races.


No room in de tram fe stan' :
" Oh ! de races will be gran',—
Wonder ef good luck we'll hab,
Get fe win a couple bob !"
Joyous, only joyous faces,
Goin' to de Knutsford races.


Motor buggy passin' by,
Sendin' dus' up to de sky ;
P'licemen, posted diffran' place,
Buy dem ticket on de race :
Look now for de anxious faces
At de Knutsford Park big races !


Big-tree boys a t'row dem dice :
"P'lice te-day no ha' no v'ice,—
All like we, so dem caan' mell,—
Mek we gamble laka hell”:
Rowdy, rowdy-looking faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.

Ladies white an' brown an' black,
Fine as fine in gala frock,
Wid dem race-card in dem han'
Pass 'long to de dollar stan' :
Happy-lookin' lady faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.


Ge'men wid dem smart spy-glass,
Well equip' fe spot dem harse,
Dress' in Yankee-fashion clo'es,
Watch de flag as do'n it goes :
Oh ! de eager, eager faces
At de Knutsford Park big races !


Faces of all types an' kinds,
Faces showin' diffran' minds,
Faces from de udder seas—


Bight from de antipodes :
Oh ! de many various faces
Seen at Knutsford Park big races !

Jockeys lookin' quite dem bes',
In deir racin' clo'es all dress'
(Judge de feelin's how dem proud)
Show de harses to de crowd :
Now you'll see de knowin' faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.

Soldier ban', formed in a ring,
Strike up " God save our king ";
Gub'nor come now by God's grace
To de Knutsford Park big race :
High faces among low faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.

Ladies, 'teppin' up quite cool,
Buy dem tickets at de pool ;
Dough 'tis said he's got a jerk,
Dere's no harse like Billie Burke :
Look roun' at de cock-sure faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.


Hey ! de flag is gone do'n, oh !
Off at grips de harses go !
Dainty's leadin' at a boun',
Stirrup-cup is gainin' ground' :
Strainin', eager strainin' faces
At de Knutsford Park big races.

Last day o' de race—all's done,
An' de course is left alone ;
Everybody's goin' home,
Some more light dan when dey'd come :
Oh ! de sad, de bitter faces
After Knutsford Park big races !