Property:Parsed text

From Off the Road Database

Showing 20 pages using this property.
This is a property of type Keyword .  +
This is a property of type Text .  +
This is a property of type Keyword .  +
This is a property of type Text .  +
This is a property of type Text .  +
This is a property of type Number .  +
This is a property of type Page .  +
This is a property of type Text .  +
This is a property of type Text . Allows value: Publication Year .  +
Gender Female Ethnicity/Race - Nationality - Life span - Texts from Hersey, Marie Louise Provincetown  +
Gender Male Ethnicity/Race African-American Nationality American Life span 1901-1967 Texts from Hughes, Langston Baby Florida Road Workers  +
Gender Female Ethnicity/Race - Nationality - Life span - Texts from Huntington, Julia Weld Off the Highway  +
Bibliographic Information Author Sandburg, Carl Genre Poetry Journal or Book Chicago Poems Publisher Henry Holt and Company Year of Publication 1916 Pages 54 Additional information - To the Williamson Brothers High noon. White sun flashes on the Michigan Avenue asphalt. Drum of hoofs and whirr of motors. Women trapsing along in flimsy clothes catching play of sun-fire to their skin and eyes. car sound road road surface traffic urban Inside the playhouse are movies from under the sea. From the heat of pavements and the dust of sidewalks, passers-by go in a breath to be witnesses of large cool sponges, large cool fishes, large cool valleys and ridges of coral spread silent in the soak of the ocean floor thousands of years. road road surface dust temperature pedestrian A naked swimmer dives. A knife in his right hand shoots a streak at the throat of a shark. The tail of the shark lashes. One swing would kill the swimmer... Soon the knife goes into the soft underneck of the veering fish... Its mouthful of teeth, each tooth a dagger itself, set row on row, glistens when the shuddering, yawning cadaver is hauled up by the brothers of the swimmer. Outside in the street is the murmur and singing of life in the sun—horses, motors, women trapsing along in flimsy clothes, play of sun-fire in their blood. road sound car sunshine urban  +
Bibliographic Information Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington Genre Poetry Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type Publisher The Book Supply Company Year of Publication 1924 Pages 62 Additional information - law A friend, to us did come who’s sore, You should have heard his awful roar. A copper on the great high-way Caught him in a trap one day. highway infrastructure sound zoomorphism The trap was some few hundred feet, The cop was on his motor, fleet. With watch in hand he felt so nifty And made our friend out doing fifty. driving motorcycle speed car metaphor One second more and he’d done ninety, The cops they worked it almost nightly. No show our friend would ever get When face to face the judge he met. risk speed No one has yet a copper known Whose word’s not better than your own. No judge has ever yet been found With whom your word would fair go down. But now our friend’s in greatest glee, The palmy days are o’er you see. The law has stopped the use of traps To curb abuse of motor chaps. Our friend, to us he did confide That motor cops would have to ride. No more hiding by the road, No more chance our friend to goad. driving No more loafing on the job, No more innocents to rob. They must ride both night and day If they can hope to earn their pay. driving time No more poker in the shade, No more chance to make a raid. No more chance for them to hide, They must ride and ride and ride. driving It long has been our own opinion, That here within our small dominion, Many men have paid a fine Just from persecution blind. If all our officers were true And treated as the same as you, Our friend would then feel he were safer Where'er he'd go in a Studebaker. —The Car wih Character.  
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Bibliographic Information Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington Genre Poetry Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type Publisher The Book Supply Company Year of Publication 1924 Pages 55 Additional information - It’s known to all to be the law, That interest should you wish to draw, On something that you have within, You first must put that something in. For you, your business does not pay, And you lament from day to day, You have not to your business given, That from which pay is deriven. Your goose it lays a golden egg, Marks up your interest just a peg, But feed, you must, your goose of old, If you would get your egg of gold. If interest in your church has died, It doesn’t revive although you’ve tried, Just ask yourself and look within To see what you are putting in. If your home is not going right, You stay out late most every night, You have no longer interest there, You’ve no investment worth the care. If you have brothers in your lodge, You now quite often try to dodge, Then your interest’s growing slim, You must put in if you would win. All through life as taught by Him, If you take out you must put in, It’s things you do for all about, You take your biggest interest out. With motor cars it’s just the same, What’s been put in comes out again. Now you can make your own deduction, From the Studebakers’ big production. car car model metaphor technology —The Car wih Character.  +
Gender Male Ethnicity/Race African-American Nationality American Life span 1888-? Texts from Jamison, Roscoe C. The Road of Human Life  +
Gender Female Ethnicity/Race African-American Nationality American Life span 1906-1995 Texts from Johnson, Helene The Road  +
Gender Male Ethnicity/Race African-American Nationality American Life span ?-1955 Texts from Jones, Joshua Henry The Roadway  +
Gender Male Ethnicity/Race - Nationality American Life span - Texts from Josephson, Matthew With the Brain at the Wheel  +