The ABC of the Automobile

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Bibliographic Information
Author Weeks, Carrie Foote
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book The Outing Magazine
Publisher -
Year of Publication 1906
Pages 687
Additional information -

A at the start was an Automobile.
It answers to motor car, just as you feel.


B is the Brake that gives you control.
If the Bubble Breaks you, you're in a Big hole.

car part

C stands for Cylinder, and your Chauffeur,
Who takes many Chances at sixty-five per.

car partspeed

D is the up-to-Date Dealer serene,
And the Dance that he leads you about the machine.

E is Experience for young and old;
We pay dearly for it, and often are sold.

F is the Factory where you will find
It is Foolish to Fuss, if they're four months behind.

G is Garage, and the God, Gasoline,
Who Guides all his subjects, yet never is seen.


H is H. P., your Heaven and Hell.
What pace are you making? The police can tell.


I is Ignition, Insurance and Ice.
These three you must have on an expert's advice.

car part

J might stand now for a new Jeremiah,
Who foretells disasters by flame, speed, or tire.

car partriskspeed

K stands for all Kinds of cars on the mart.
To pick the Kingpin would take cleverest art.


L stands for License, and Lawyer, and Lie—
You're in touch with them all when an auto you buy.


M is the Model you choose with great care,
The Map that you follow for roads that aren’t there.

carcar modelroadmap

N is the Number attached to your car,
And the Name (not a rose) that proclaims it a star.


O is the Oil used for food and for drink,
By this Ogre, half human, the real missing link.


P stands for "Plain Clothes Men" always about.
Police you can spot. For the others, watch out.

Q is the Quest for a feminine hat,
That will stay on the head, and have style, and all that.

R stands foe Rules which must be obeyed,
And the Races we win,—in our dreams, I'm afraid.


S means the Songs that we sing late at night,
As the Search light weaves Shadows, now ghostly, now bright.

T is the Tonneau for five, three or two.
If a Tack finds your Tire, it’s all up with you.

car part

U is the Unruly, and also Uncertain.
On the manners of autos and maids drop the curtain.


V is Vibration—in sunshine, in gale,
It's with us like goggles, or long auto Veil.

W stands for Weight, and all kinds of Wheels.
(Not Wheels in your head, or Weight in your heels)

car part

X is Xcess. Pray keep well in hand,
For motor-car maniacs people the land.


Y stands for Yearnings to go far and fast.
O bright Yellow Moon! we'll reach you at last.


Z is the Zany so puffed up with Zeal,
That he thinks he has mastered the automobile.
