Rabbit Elusiveness

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Bibliographic Information
Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type
Publisher The Book Supply Company
Year of Publication 1924
Pages 196
Additional information -

There came to us a vision of life’s perpetual dream,
We made our decision to follow up the gleam.
We could build a fortune big and doubly sure,
Raising market rabbits if the breed was pure.

We bought up all the lumber in Curran’s lumber yard,
Built a thousand hutches, for cost had no regard.
Faithfully with many tools we labored every day,
Fully settled in our mind we’d make the rabbits pay.

We were told by rabbit men, buy only blooded stock,
Every breeder of a kind would all the others knock.
To get the weight it seemed to us the safe and easy way,
Only raise the blooded stock of purest Belgian gray.

So we bought at fancy price a hundred for a start,
We’d show the rabbit men that we were very smart.
We saw them grow and multiply, built castles in the air,
Figured what we’d also buy from raising Belgian hare.

A fleet of latest motor cars, the best ones ever built,
Masterpieces, too, of art in frames of finest gilt.
Profits from our rabbits would buy us many things,
Wipe away the loss our orchard always brings.


But rabbits often figure out in real the other way,
We weren’t slow in finding out, buying Hinman hay.
For every dollar rabbits brought two was spent for grain,
We sold a million, more or less, but not a cent of gain.

Had we the balance of our life raised only Belgian hare,
In years a few, at best, our cupboard would be bare.
A bankrupt we would turn to be and die a debtor slave,
Rabbits beat the world to eat a man into his grave.

Man is dreaming when he says, money he has made,
Raising Belgian rabbits as his only line of trade.
We had our fun, quit the game, for a better profit-maker,
The rest of life we’ll be content in selling Studebaker.

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