Transmediterranean History

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Transmediterranean History is a commented anthology of primary sources that aims at facilitating access to transmediterranean themes and their documentation roughly in the period between 600 and 1650. The anthology is published as a trilingual open access journal in German, English, and Arabic.

Before the Arabic-Islamic Expansion (until c. 636)

570: Contacts with the Pre-Islamic Arab World in the Pilgrimage Report of Antoninus Placentinus
575: A Hispano-Roman Visitor from the Visigothic Kingdom Observes Arab–Byzantine Relations
600: Pope Gregory the Great Intervenes in Favour of the Exiled Ǧafnid Ruler al-Munḏir b. al-Ḥāriṯ
621: Isidore of Seville on the Origins of the Term “Saracens”

Arabic-Islamic Expansion (c. 7th-9th cent.)

653: In a Letter, Pope Martin I Denies Having Collaborated with the Expanding Saracens
674–685: Observations of the Frankish Pilgrim Arculf in Jerusalem and Damascus
694: The Accusation of Jewish Collaboration in the Records of the Seventeenth Council of Toledo
711: Ibn ʿAbd al-Ḥakam on Julian’s Collaboration with the Muslims during their Invasion of the Iberian Peninsula
711–745: Ibn al-Qūṭiyya on the Cooperation of his Visigothic Ancestors with the Muslim Conquerors
713: The Treaty of Tudmir as a Testimony to the Muslim Subjection of the Iberian Peninsula
719–759: The Chronicon Anianense on the Beginning and End of Muslim Rule over Septimania
731: The Chronica muzarabica on the Marriage of the Berber Munnuz with the Daughter of Eudo, dux of Aquitaine
Before 738: The Saracen Danger as Described in a Letter by the Missionary Bishop Boniface to the Nun Bugga
785–791: Pope Hadrian I Criticises a Decline in Christian Dogma and Practice in Muslim al-Andalus
797–802: Notker’s Gesta Karoli Magni on the Exchange of Envoys between Charlemagne and Hārūn al-Rašīd
812: An Instruction from Charlemagne Concerning Immigrant Hispani
815: A Constitutio of Louis the Pious on Hispani Settled in the Frankish Realm
827: The Chronicon Salernitanum on the Muslim Conquest of Sicily
827: al-Nuwayrī on the Beginning of the Muslim Conquest of Sicily

New Neighbours (c. 9th-11th cent.)

848: The Decision to Expel the Muslims from the Langobard Duchies
903–906: The Raffelstetten Customs Regulation and the Export of Slavic Slaves to the Islamic Sphere
906: Bertha of Tuscany’s Correspondence with al-Muktafī bi-llāh in the Version of Ibn al-Zubayr
942–956: Ibn Ḥayyān on Hungarian Raids and the Battle of Lechfeld
955: Hrotsvit of Gandersheim on the Galician Hostage Pelagius at the Court of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān III
971: The Decretum Venetorum de abrogando Saracenorum commercie Prohibits Venetians from Trading with Muslims
973: Ibn Ḥawqal on Christian-Muslim Marriages in Sicily
984: Some Letters to and by Gerbert d’Aurillac Dealing with “Arabic” Mathematics and Astronomy
1009: Adémar of Chabannes on the Destruction of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
1010‒1028: First Reference to an Astrolabe in Lorraine by Radulf of Liège
1014–1043: Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr on Christian Love for ʿAlī

Latin-Christian Expansion (c. 11th-13th cent.)

1091: A Charter of Roger I for the Reorganisation of Sicily
1250: A Letter from the Regional Ruler al-Azraq to the Queen of Aragon

Negotiating Religious Boundaries (c. 13th-17th cent.)

Miscellanous Material (restricted access)

Implicit Communication