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[http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/html_doc/2cbf_program.html 2cbf] is part of the [[XDS]] distribution. It converts any image file format that is know to XDS to a miniCBF file. This program is also used by [[XDSGUI]].
[http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/html_doc/2cbf_program.html 2cbf] is part of the [[XDS]] distribution. It converts any image file format that is known to XDS to a miniCBF file. This program is also used by [[XDSGUI]].

For 2cbf to work with the LIB= option, it is mandatory to have a filename like test_123456.xy, i.e. with a 6-digit number and a 2-letter extension. If you want to use LIB= and your filenames do not follow this pattern, just symlink them, and construct the symlinks accordingly.
Single-line example (bash shell):
for i in ../images/*img ; do echo $i; echo $i `basename $i`.cbf | 2cbf ; done
This converts all .img files in ../images to miniCBF files with the extension .img.cbf in the current directory.
For 2cbf to work with the [http://xds.mpimf-heidelberg.mpg.de/html_doc/xds_parameters.html#LIB= LIB=] option, it is mandatory to have a filename like test_123456.xy, i.e. with a 6-digit number and a 2-letter extension. If you want to use LIB= and your filenames do not follow this pattern, just symlink them, and construct the symlinks accordingly: e.g.
# purpose: create symlinks for xds_par
# usage: mklinks
for j in $(seq 1 120); do
  ln -sfn Data_02_$(printf "%04d" "$j").sfrm Data_02_$(printf "%06d" "$j").sf
echo ready
If you don't do this, you'll get an error message like
forrtl: severe (59): list-directed I/O syntax error, unit -5, file Internal List-Directed Read
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source           
2cbf              000000000041DCDC  Unknown              Unknown  Unknown
2cbf              00000000004476AA  Unknown              Unknown  Unknown
2cbf              0000000000445C2B  Unknown              Unknown  Unknown
2cbf              00000000004059B8  getfrm_                  1713  MAIN_2CBF.f90
2cbf              0000000000404C6A  MAIN__                    58  MAIN_2CBF.f90
2cbf              0000000000402ADE  Unknown              Unknown  Unknown
libc-2.17.so      00007FB47339BB35  __libc_start_main    Unknown  Unknown
2cbf              00000000004029E9  Unknown              Unknown  Unknown


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