Pathologies: Difference between revisions

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The same data set: the mosaicity estimates of individual frames (column 10 in INTEGRATE.LP) is very much influenced by this.
The same data set: the mosaicity estimates of individual frames (column 10 in INTEGRATE.LP) is very much influenced by this. The "jumps" in the curve arises because INTEGRATE was run with MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_JOBS=8: since each of the 8 jobs uses the orientation matrix from IDXREF for its initial batch, and that matrix does not seem to match the actual orientation, the mosaicity appears high. Only after geometry refinement (green line) is the result reasonable. The estimate for the second batch of each job is much better, because it uses the orientation obtained from the geometry refinement as a starting point.


The same problem, but a different data set: here, the mosaicity estimates of individual frames are influenced in a different way, and a different way of oscillation results. This is not seen very well here since the period is on the order of 13 frames.
The same hardware problem, but a different data set: here, the mosaicity estimates of individual frames are less affected, because the initial orientation is good. Oscillations are not seen very well here since the period of the scale factor changes is on the order of 13 frames.

Zoomed version of the above. The oscillations are better visible.
Zoomed version of the above. The oscillations are better visible.
