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== XDSi ==
XDSi is the name of the first published interface, by Petri Kursula (XDSi: a graphical interface for the data processing program XDS. (2004) J. Appl. Cryst. 37, 347-348).

* XDSi offers you the possibility to process '''all your datasets''' in a given directory with '''minimum effort'''.
Michael Krug independently developed XDSi which is now called [https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/forschung/oe/ps/macromolecular-crystallography/hzb-mx-software/xdsapp3/index_en.html XDSapp] .
*:* You just have to provide it with a resultdirectory and the directory where your frames are stored.
*:* All datasets consisting of more than 100 frames within the given directory and all its subdirectories will be processed.
*:* For each dataset a space group assignment is done using POINTLESS of the CCP4 software package
*:* Plots of the most informative statistics of INTEGRATE.LP, CORRECT.LP and XDSSTAT.LP are generated for each dataset
*:* A plot comparing Rmeas, I/sig and Completeness of all the processed datasets is generated
*:* You can also generate plots for datasets that have been processed using XDS without XDSi
* XDSi is still beta, but
*:* it should work reasonably well for PILATUS datasets
*:* it works for MAR-CCD datasets at the SLS using 5 digits (*?????.img) for bzip2ed or raw images
*:* it works for the ADSC Quantum Q315r of the ESRF for bzip2ed or raw images
* Here you can see some screenshots of XDSi: [[XDSi screenshots]]
* To be able to use XDSi you must have installed
*:* wish
*:* xds_par
*:* xdsstat
*:* xdsviewer
*:* pointless
*:* gnuplot >= Version 4.0
*:* convert (part of ImageMagick)
*:* kpdf
* To install XDSi
*:* Download xdsi.tar.gz at [ftp://turn5.biologie.uni-konstanz.de/pub/ XDSi]
*:* tar -zxf xdsi.tar.gz; you get the files xdsi, xdsi_doc.pdf and the folder templates
*:* open the file xdsi with a texteditor and change
*:*:* set Templates “/mydir/templates” to the correct path
*:*:* set initial “/mydir/SLS-2009” to the path where your synchrotron data are stored
*:*:* depending on your installation you may have to change globally xdsviewer to xds-viewer
*:* put the file xdsi somewhere in your $PATH (e.g.: /usr/local/bin), chmod 755 xdsi and source ~/.cshrc
*:* You should now be able to start XDSi via the command xdsi
If it works well, enjoy!
I (michaelkrug at uni-konstanz dot de) appreciate feedback.

Latest revision as of 12:00, 20 June 2024

XDSi is the name of the first published interface, by Petri Kursula (XDSi: a graphical interface for the data processing program XDS. (2004) J. Appl. Cryst. 37, 347-348).

Michael Krug independently developed XDSi which is now called XDSapp .