This is a collection of things users feel XDS should handle differently from how the program currently does.

It would be useful if a user who edits this puts his "signature with timestamp" (second button from the right in the menu bar above) after the sentence s/he inserts.


  • none so far

Would be nice to have

  • A breakdown of Rmeas by frame number, as currently only available from XDSSTAT. --Kay 14:00, 12 November 2007 (CET)
  • Templates of XDS.INP currently have
!EXCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 3.93 3.87 !ice-ring at 3.897 Angstrom
!EXCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 3.70 3.64 !ice-ring at 3.669 Angstrom
!EXCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 3.47 3.41 !ice-ring at 3.441 Angstrom
!EXCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 2.70 2.64 !ice-ring at 2.671 Angstrom
!EXCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE= 2.28 2.22 !ice-ring at 2.249 Angstrom

This list should be completed by lines for the ice rings at 2.072, 1.948 , 1.918, 1.883 , 1.721 Angstrom. (The 2nd, 4th and 5th of these should be weak so do not necessarily have to be excluded right away) --Kay 14:30, 12 November 2007 (CET)


  • CORRECT should print out MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS= , and the actual number of processors used. --Kay 13:55, 12 November 2007 (CET)
  • BACKGROUND_RANGE= should have a better default (e.g., the first five frames of the DATA_RANGE). The default currently appears to be 0 0. --Kay 14:45, 12 November 2007 (CET)