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HasA/R (PDB id [http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=3CSL 3CSL]) is a complex of a 22-stranded beta-barrel outer membrane protein (HAsR, 865 residues), its hemophore (HasA, 206 residues), and heme. The structure and its biological implications are described in "Heme uptake across the outer membrane as revealed by crystal structures of the receptor-hemophore complex" (Krieg, S., Huché, F., Diederichs, K., Izadi-Pruneyre, N., Lecroisey, A., Wandersman, C., Delepelaire, P., Welte, W. (2009), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Vol. 106 pp. 1045-1050.)
HasA/R (PDB id [http://www.pdb.org/pdb/explore/explore.do?structureId=3CSL 3CSL]) is a complex of a 22-stranded beta-barrel outer membrane protein (HAsR, 865 residues), its hemophore (HasA, 206 residues), and heme. The structure and its biological implications are described in "Heme uptake across the outer membrane as revealed by crystal structures of the receptor-hemophore complex" (Krieg, S., Huché, F., Diederichs, K., Izadi-Pruneyre, N., Lecroisey, A., Wandersman, C., Delepelaire, P., Welte, W. (2009), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Vol. 106 pp. 1045-1050.)
3-wl SeMet-MAD data were collected at beamline X06SA of the SLS in November 2006 on a MarCCD detector. HasA/R crystallizes in spacegroup F222; cell parameters are a=157Å, b=163Å, c=596Å. There are 2 complexes per ASU. Data to about 3.0Å could be collected from this crystal, but the anomalous data are useful to about 5Å only. The ordered part of HasR has residues 112-865 and harbours 9 SeMet residues. The ordered part of HasA has 173 residues, one of which is Met - but that is mostly disordered, and was not Se-labelled.
3-wl SeMet-MAD data were collected at beamline X06SA of the SLS in November 2006 on a MarCCD detector. HasA/R crystallizes in spacegroup F222; cell parameters are a=157Å, b=163Å, c=596Å. There are 2 complexes per ASU. Data to about 3.0Å could be collected from this crystal, but the anomalous data are useful to about 5Å only. The ordered part of HasR has residues 112-865 and harbours 9 SeMet residues. The ordered part of HasA has 173 residues, one of which is Met - but that is mostly disordered, and was not Se-labelled. Altogether there are 1852 residues and two heme molecules in the ASU.

These MAD data, giving a structure with an average B of 100 Å<sup>2</sup>,  constitute a project that is challenging for humans, and currently too difficult for automatic methods of structure solution and model building. The deposited 3CSL structure was not obtained from these MAD data alone, but the model was actually refined against slightly better (2.7Å) data collected on a native crystal at the ESRF.
These MAD data, giving a structure with an average B of 100 Å<sup>2</sup>,  constitute a project that is challenging for humans, and currently too difficult for automatic methods of structure solution and model building. The deposited 3CSL structure was not obtained from these MAD data alone, but the model was actually refined against slightly better (2.7Å) data collected on a native crystal at the ESRF.
