Sequence only
Sequence to structure
Structure to Sequence
Structure only
- Servers for ligand topologies/parameters
- Servers and programs for protein structure analysis
- Programs for nucleic acid structure analysis
- Morphing and making movies
- Programs for representing the surface of a channel inside protein
- database of cognate ligands for the domains of enzyme structures in CATH, SCOP and Pfam
- Rosetta Alanine Scanning each residue in a interface is mutated to Ala; local minimisation is performed, and the binding energy is calculated
- solvent-accessible surface
Domain definition
- offering an interface for comparing a number of different methods for automatic domain definition. For domain interfaces SCOPPI may be helpful.
- a list of tab delimited files that contain all the information for each chain in the PDB. The information is also available per residue in XML format that contain additional annotation. These files are updated every week.
- A collection of links to structure-based domain parsers is at
- Domain boundaries are available through RCSB PDB RESTful web services described at: For example, the URL returns an XML file with SCOP, CATH, DP, PDP, PFAM, InterPro domain boundaries, plus secondary structure information by DSSP, STRIDE, and the structure author.
- In the sequence tab for each PDB entry, (for example,, the domain assignment from SCOP, DP, CATH etc. are given.
Functional annotation
- GOdot webserver for predicting function from structure (see
- ProFunc Analysis of a protein's 3D structure to help identify its likely biochemical function
- Annotation PSI Stuctural Genomics knowledgebase
- ClusPro - easy to use web interface
- Rosetta can do much more than just docking, but is difficult to use
- 3D-dock - uses an algorithm that mainly looks at surface complimentarity between the two proteins
- Dave Ritchie's Hex program - it is blisteringly quick
- Haddock - recommended by Tassos
- AutoDock - Wiki at
- DockBlaster - runs DOCK 3.5.54; there's a wiki
Other stuff
- pKa of protein - evaluated in: Crystallography Reviews, Volume 15, Issue 4 October 2009 , pages 231 - 259 An evaluation review of the prediction of protonation states in proteins versus crystallographic experiment Authors: Stuart J. Fisher; James Wilkinson; Richard H. Henchman; John R. Helliwell available at:-
- Programs for visualization (see also Model building)
- Links to Bioinformatics websites
- programs with chemistry knowledge, e.g. to build 3D-coordinates from 2D drawings
- modeling of glycosylation with GlyProt
- PDBeStatistics and some explanation of it