Checklist for the final inspection of ILIAS exam courses

Aus E-Learning Wiki

Exam organisers and ILIAS support should go through all points of this checklist together, and approach the final inspection as a team. Even after a joint check with ILIAS support, responsibilities for the selected settings remains with the person responsible for the exam!

Further information
ATTENTION: Please always click on "Save" at the top or bottom of the respective ILIAS page after changing the settings!

1. Course

1.1 Course| Settings | Course settings


  • Online (Checkbox activated?)
  • Period (Start, End)
    • complies with reserved time slot?
    • includes time for compensation for disadvantages?
  • Always visible (Checkbox activated?)

1.2 Course| Members | Participant administration

Course Participants

  • all of the in Zeus registered participants added?
    • Number of participants checked?
    • Names of participants spot-checked?
  • no inactive users?

1.3 Course| Content | Online test | dropdown Arrow

Availability | Preconditions

  • Preconditions: no entries (except for online tests with non-plagiarism declaration)?

2. Online test

2.1 Online-Test | Settings | General Settings


  • Online (Checkbox activated?)

Administering the Test: Access

  • Starting Time (Time set a few minutes after the start of course availability?)
  • Finishing Time (Preferably not set?) If it is set:
    • with a clear offset to finishing time determined by Duration of the Test (see below)?
  • Test Password (checkbox activated and password entered?)

Administering the Test: Test Run

  • Limit Number of Test Passes
    • checkbox activated?
    • "1" entered?
  • Limit Duration of Test
    • checkbox activated?
    • Maximum Duration of the Test filled in? (If under 2.1 b) Finishing Time was defined: Is there enough time between the end of writing time (if started on time) and the set Finishing Time for people who started late?

Administering the Test: Behavior of the Question

  • Automatic saving
    • checkbox activated?
    • Interval set to 30 seconds?
  • Shuffle Questions (if desired: checkbox activated?)

Administering the Test: Functionality Available to Participants

  • Unanswered Questions (behaviour?)
  • Show ‘List of Questions’ (if desired: checkbox activated?)

Finishing the Test (only for BYOD-exams with SEB)

  • Concluding Remarks
    • checkbox activated?
    • Text containing quit-link entered
  • Redirect
    • checkbox activated?
    • URL of quit-link entered?

2.2 Online-Test | Settings | Mark Schema

  • (If desired) Mark Steps created?
  • Minimum Level (in %) to reach Mark Steps adjusted?

2.3. Online-Test | Settings | Scoring and results

Scoring Options

  • Scoring System: If "Only Correct and Complete Answers Score Points" is selected: IMPORTANT: This only applies there, where no other explicit scoring options are defined (e.g. MC-questions)?
  • Negative Points: For Each Questions Negative Points are set to ‘0 Points’ (must be selected)

2.4 Online-Test | Questions| List View

Examples of Question Types checked and tested (!) for each type.

Actions| Edit Question

  • MC-Questions: IMPORTANT: negative points should also be allocated for incorrect answers within MC questions (However, the minimum score per question of 0 is not exceeded)

3. Download Exam | Upload Your Solutions (only accounts for unproctered online tests)

3.1 Course | Content | Step 2B: Download Exam | Upload Your Solutions | dropdown Arrow

Availability| Preconditions

  • Defined Precondition: "Step 1: Confirm declaration of independent work" is added and checked in green colour (mandatory)?

3.2 Course | Content | Step 2B: Download Exam | Upload Your Solutions | Assignments | View

  • Assignments added? ("Download und upload the exam (Mandatory)")

3.3 Course | Content | Step 2B: Download Exam | Upload Your Solutions | Assignments | Edit

Assignments | Download und upload the exam (Mandatory) | Edit | Settings

  • Start Time (date and time entered?)
  • Deadline
    • Fixed Date (checkbox activated?)
    • Date and time entered?

Assignments | Download und upload the exam (Mandatory) | Edit | File for Work Instructions

File for Work Instructions
  • Worksheet etc. uploaded?

4. Academic adjustments

4.1 Group for academic adjustments | Members

  • Eligible students as group members added?

4.2 Group for academic adjustments | Content

  • Final version of the "Online-Test" and/or "Download Exam | Upload Your Solution" copied here?

Times adjusted? (Availability Period of the course and the test, duration of the test; in case of assignments: date and time of Deadline)

5. Testing functionality

5.1 Usability

  • Has the temporal activation/deactivation of accessibility and the functionality of the test/tasks been tested?
  • Has this been tested with an account that only holds course membership rights?
  • Have exam organisers and participants been informed that Ordering Question and Matching Question types cannot be worked on with tablets or touchscreens?

5.2 Student performance evaluation

  • Does the allocation of points correspond to the expected behaviour?
  • Do the mark steps make sense?
  • Will be evaluated correctly (especially the last question worked on) when the end of the availability period is due?
  • Are uploaded files downloadable (Assignments)

5.3 Export

  • Do exported participant results (Excel file, PDF if applicable) fulfil the requirements?