ILIAS: How to Switch Language (Exams)

Aus E-Learning Wiki

About this Guide

This guide explains how to switch the user interface language used by the ILIAS system that is used for online exams. Online exams use an ILIAS system that is separate from the one that is used for all other purposes. The language needs to be switched for each ILIAS system separately, so even if you have already switched the user interface language of the normal ILIAS system, you need to switch it for the exam ILIAS system separately.

Note that this won't change the language your exam questions appear in -- the questions will of course be in the language your lecturer phrased them in, no matter your user interface settings.

1. Log into Ilias-Klausur

  1. Open
  2. Enter your username (Firstname.Lastname) and your password.
  3. Click "Anmelden" or press the enter key.

drawio: ILIAS-Switch-Language-Login

If the interface you see once you are logged in is all in English, you are all set and don't need to change anything. If the interface is in German, please continue with steps 2 and 3 below.

2. Open Settings

  1. Click your user icon in the top right corner.
  2. Click "Einstellungen" to access your settings.

drawio: Ilias-Switch-Language-Open-Settings

3. Select Language

  1. Click "Deutsch".
  2. In the dropdown menu that just opened, select the language you plan to switch to (i.e. "English").
  3. Click "Speichern" to save your settings.

drawio: ILIAS-Switch-Language-Select-Language