Information to be sent to participants of Chromebook exams beforehand

Aus E-Learning Wiki

Important information for exam participants should be sent by the instructors at least one week before the exam. The template below can be used for this purpose. Prior to that:

  • all participants must be added as members to the ILIAS exam
  • in the exam "Settings" in ILIAS, the checkboxes for "Online" and "Always Visible" must be selected
    • this will display the exam on the participants' dashboards, and as well confirm them the registration for the exam
    • however, the exam will only be accessible for the participants at the start of the exam.
Template: Information for exam participants
Dear Students,

The online-exam for your lecture / seminar "XXXXX" will be held on XX-XX-202X, from XX:XX am/pm to XX:XX am/pm, in room XXX. You have registered for the exam and you hereby receive the information on how the exam will be conducted and how you can access it.

The exam will be written on the ILIAS-exams platform with Chromebooks, provided by the university.

You can log in to the exam platform, using your regular university account. Please test well in advance if the login process works correctly for you - the support team may assist you in case of any occuring problems. If you encounter issues logging in, please contact

If you are registered for the exam, it will already be visible on your ILIAS-exams dashboard; however, you will only be able to access it at the start of the exam.

If the exam is not visible on your dashboard, you might not be registered for it. You can check your registration status in ZEuS. If you wish to take part in the exam, but you cannot register for it in ZEuS, please contact: XXXXX.

Exam procedure:

  • Starting from XX:XX: Signing in to the ILIAS-exams platform on a Chromebook, and logging in to the exam
  • Starting from XX:XX: Answering the exam questions of the online test
  • Latest by XX:XX: Finishing and submitting the online test via the button "Finish the Test" and signing out of the ILIAS-exams platform

I wish you good luck!