The Mountains

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type
Publisher The Book Supply Company
Year of Publication 1924
Pages 17
Additional information -

When we view the mountains all around,
From their vast stillness not a sound,
They seem just like some silent friend
On whom we safely can depend.

They rise to proud and lofty height,
Forbidding and dark are they at night.
Their summits kiss the heavens high,
They ever remind us God is nigh.

If the mountains were never stationed there,
We would not have the purified air,
Nor would flowing rivers be sustained,
If in the mountains it never rained.

On mountain height both east and west,
For every living mortal there is rest.
We view the peaks in contemplation
Of God's great plan for all creation.

The clouds in glory round them spread,
The sun in grandeur settles on their head.
Winter stays to chill the month of May,
The lightning fondly choose them for their play.

The mountains grim forever stand,
While men will roam about the land.
Men are fond of other men to greet,
Mountains never have been known to meet.

Of the peaks around both high and low,
The one we favor most is San Antonio.
We like to go up there whene'er we can,
It's easy in a Studebaker Six Sedan.

mountaincar model

—The Car with Character.