The Road of Human Life

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author Jamison, Roscoe C.
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book Negro Soldiers (“These Truly are the Brave”) and other poems by Roscoe C. Jamison
Publisher Press of the Gray Printing Company
Year of Publication 1918
Pages -
Additional information -

Along the Road of Human Life,
So very near, on either side,
With winds and storms and billows rife,
There is a sea that's wide;
And woe to him who trips and falls
Into that darkening tide.


Oh! it is all that Hope can do
To keep lifted our eyes
And day by day our strength renew
With visions and dream-lies;
To lead us by that awful flood
From which no soul may rise.

Despair! Despair! That is the sea
Which ever is at our feet,
Seeks to envelop you and me,
In ruin full, complete,
Cause us to deem this life a curse
And make death's name sound sweet.

Work, Laugh and Love! Thus only can
The trembling spirit hold,
Its journey true across the span
Of years that doth unfold,
Amid earth's barren scenery
Until life's tale is told!