The Road to Glory

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author Reynolds, Elsbery Washington
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book AutoLine o'Type
Publisher The Book Supply Company
Year of Publication 1924
Pages 38
Additional information -

We know a good old Missouri town,
Where "niggers" a-plenty live all around.
On a little hill down near the mill,
The "nigger" church is standing still.

When we were there some years ago,
This church each night gave quite a show.
To enter the house we had to strive,
For the building was packed to all revive.

The snow outside the church was deep,
Inside were shouts while some did weep.
The preacher's voice above the din,
Proclaimed to all their awful sin.

He said, "I's read de Good Book thro',
I's fahmiliar with all de ol' an' new.
Now you's all bette' believe in dis story,
If you's a gonna get yo' a home in glory."

Just then a gal, big, black and tall,
Shouted, "Fo' de story I sho' does fall.
With de dev'l I's fightin' both day an' night,
But with yo' story I's winnin' de fight."

The preacher replied, "My siste' host,
You's get on de side o' de Holy Ghost.
He'll look down deep in yo' po' ol' heart,
You'll sho' beat de dev'l if yo' do yo' part."

"lf yo' read de Book fo' to get yo' light,
Yo' can dodge de ol' dev'l an' keep out o' sight.
Jus' read fo' to keep from makin' colleesions,
'Bout Paul with his 'pistle after the 'Phesians."

"If yo' faith go to shakin' an' yo' go to slippin',
Jus' read de Good Book without no skippin',
De dev'l am swif', but yo' stick to yo' Maker,
Yo' can beat him to glory in de Six Studebaker."

car model

—The Car with Character.