The Roadway

From Off the Road Database

Bibliographic Information
Author Jones, Joshua Henry
Genre Poetry
Journal or Book Poems of the Four Seas
Publisher Books for Libraries Press
Year of Publication 1921
Pages 3
Additional information -

There are hill roads and dale roads,
And roads that bind and twist;
Some wide roads and cramped roads
Which many souls have missed.
There are blind roads and night roads
That lead to where we fall.
The long road's a hard road
But the best road after all.

roadroad conditionmetaphor

Some good roads, some bad roads
Are roads of dust and grime;
Some rest roads and toil roads,
Then some that lead to crime.
The best road's the west road
Which becks with quiet call.
The straight road, though hard road,
Is the best road after all.

road conditionmetaphordustWestaffect

There's a love road and a hate road;
And this last road trails to hell.
There's a cool road; a clean road
That leads by friendship's well.
But the best road is the west road
That calls us one and all.
'Tis a bright road—a right road
And—the one road after all.

road conditionmetaphoraffectWest