Page history
17 August 2024
15 September 2023
1 June 2023
→other programs: XDS-viewer, XDSSTAT, XDSCC12, XDSGUI, XSCALE_ISOCLUSTER, generate_XDS.INP
→other programs: XDS-viewer, XDSSTAT, XDSCC12, XDSGUI, XSCALE_ISOCLUSTER, generate_XDS.INP:
11 May 2023
10 May 2023
→tools and helper programs for generate_XDS.INP and XDSGUI, and libraries: made clearer
→Linux: latest XDSGUI (May 10, 2023) has the Qt5 and libpng15 libraries built into the binary. Occurrence of in output of ldd can be ignored.
6 May 2023
→other programs: XDS-viewer, XDSSTAT, XDSCC12, XDSGUI, XSCALE_ISOCLUSTER, generate_XDS.INP: explain XDSGUI on Apple Silicon
→XDS package for Macs with Apple M processors: fix typo
→XDS package for Macs with Apple M processors: explain better
→tools and helper programs for generate_XDS.INP and XDSGUI, and libraries: remove Qt4 stuff
→other programs: XDS-Viewer, XDSSTAT, XDSCC12, XDSGUI, XSCALE_ISOCLUSTER, spot2pdb, generate_XDS.INP: remove hint to Qt4 binaries
→macOS: remove modifying PATH in .profile , since .zprofile is enough
3 May 2023
→XDS package for Macs with Apple M processors: add cd /usr/local/bin
→macOS: explain Intel Mac versus Silicon Mac
→macOS: continued
→macOS: continue fixing explanations of where root is needed
→XDS package: make clear which commands require to be root
8 April 2023
put {{SERVERNAME}} instead of
→tools and helper programs for generate_XDS.INP and XDSGUI, and libraries: typo
replace by {{SERVERNAME}} in several places
5 April 2023
→XDS package
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 or M2 processor
→XDS package
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 or M2 processor
4 April 2023
16 March 2023
30 January 2023
no edit summary
→XDS package: mention Intel Mac
update plugin descriptions for Mac
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 processor
5 December 2022
→Prerequisites (Xcode, CCP4) for generate_XDS.INP, XDSGUI and other programs: ccp4 may be version 8 ...
→XDS package
→XDS package
→XDS package
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 processor
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 processor
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 processor
→considerations for a macOS machine with Apple M1 processor
17 June 2022
27 May 2022
23 May 2022
→Prerequisites (Xcode, CCP4) for generate_XDS.INP, XDSGUI and other programs
→Prerequisites (Xcode, CCP4) for generate_XDS.INP, XDSGUI and other programs