
Revision as of 17:38, 8 March 2016 by Karsten (talk | contribs)

This article has some little script snippets that should ease the installation of XDS and related programs (XDS-viewer, xdsstat, xdsgui). It is assumed that binaries (or links to binaries) should go to /usr/local/bin .


Log in as root - we need write permission for /usr/local/bin .

To get the XDS package if you are an academic user,

 cd /usr/local/bin
 wget -O- | tar xzvf -
 ln -sf XDS-INTEL64_Linux_x86_64/* .

To get the script generate_XDS.INP from its XDSwiki article,

 cd /usr/local/bin
 wget -O - | \
   sed -e s/\&nbsp\;/\ /g -e s/\&gt\;/\>/g -e s/\&lt\;/\</g -e s/amp\;//g -e s/\&quot\;/\"/g -e s/\&\#\1\6\0\;/\ /g | \
   sed '/# end of generate_XDS.INP/,$d' | awk '/^#/,/rm -f tmp1 tmp2/' > generate_XDS.INP
 chmod +x generate_XDS.INP

To get XDS-Viewer,

 cd /usr/local/bin
 wget -O xds-viewer
 chmod a+x xds-viewer  
 ln -sf xds-viewer xdsviewer


 cd /usr/local/bin
 wget -O xdsstat.bz2
 bunzip2 -f xdsstat.bz2
 chmod a+x xdsstat

To get XDSGUI,

 cd /usr/local/bin
 wget -O xdsgui
 chmod a+x xdsgui

Ubuntu 14 users: please read if you have a problem with missing libmng2.

It is useful to install xxdiff or one of its alternatives (see below). The package is likely available for your distribution - google for it, or try e.g.

yum -y install xxdiff

on RHEL6/CentOS6/SL6 systems, or

apt-get install xxdiff

on Ubuntu.

On Centos7 (RHEL7, SL7) I went to and found that the Fedora 20 RPM can be installed using

yum install

Perhaps xxdiff will be available on EPEL some day - maybe it is available on RPMforge; I didn't check.

Alternatively, tkdiff may be installed, or other graphical comparison programs, like meld or kdiff3. vimdiff is also nice, and probably already installed.

Mac (Intel)

Attention: generate_XDS.INP requires Xcode to be installed. Xcode is not installed by default, but can be downloaded free of charge from the Mac App Store. After installing Xcode, open \u201cPreferences\u201d, select the \u201cDownloads\u201d tab, and click the \u201cInstall\u201d next to \u201cCommand Line Tools\u201d. You also have to explicitly agree to the License terms when running a Command Line Tool for the first time.

I'm not sure if Xcode can be installed without administrator privileges; you may also wish to look at .

personal installation (experimental writeup)


  • make sure your $PATH includes your $HOME/bin - the programs will be put into that directory. To achieve this, open a Terminal window, and then
 cd $HOME
 echo 'export PATH=$HOME:$HOME/bin' >> ~/.profile 

(I'm not sure if it should be .profile or .bashrc; I have seen it work with .profile but not with .bashrc on a Leopard system)

  • create the $HOME/bin and $HOME/Applications directories. Still in the Terminal window, type
 mkdir $HOME/bin
 mkdir $HOME/Applications

To install generate_XDS.INP:

 cd $HOME/bin
 curl -L -o - | \
   sed -e s/\&nbsp\;/\ /g -e s/\&gt\;/\>/g -e s/\&lt\;/\</g -e s/amp\;//g -e s/\&quot\;/\"/g -e s/\&\#\1\6\0\;/\ /g | \
   sed '/# end of generate_XDS.INP/,$d' | awk '/^#/,/rm -f tmp1 tmp2/' > generate_XDS.INP
 chmod +x generate_XDS.INP

To install XDS:

 cd $HOME/bin
 curl -L -o - | tar xvf -
 ln -sf XDS-OSX_64/* .

To install XDS-Viewer, click , open up the downloaded by clicking, and then (once you see it in the Finder), go to the Terminal and

cp -pr /Volumes/XDS-Viewer/ $HOME/Applications
ln -s $HOME/Applications/ $HOME/bin/xds-viewer

To install XDSSTAT,

 cd $HOME/bin
 curl -L -o xdsstat.bz2
 bunzip2 -f xdsstat.bz2
 chmod a+x xdsstat

To install XDSGUI, please download from, open up the downloaded by clicking, and then (once you see it in the Finder), go to the Terminal and

cp -pr /Volumes/xdsgui/ $HOME/Applications
ln -s $HOME/Applications/ $HOME/bin/xdsgui

Please also check XDSGUI#Installation.

It is useful to install xxdiff from . After downloading, open up the downloaded by clicking, and then (once you see it in the Finder), go to the Terminal and

cp -pr /Volumes/xxdiff/ $HOME/Applications
ln -s $HOME/Applications/ $HOME/bin/xxdiff

(the names of the files may not be entirely correct in these two lines)

system-wide installation (requires root permission)

To get generate_XDS.INP:

 cd /usr/local/bin
 sudo sh -c 'curl -L -o - | \
   sed -e s/\&nbsp\;/\ /g -e s/\&gt\;/\>/g -e s/\&lt\;/\</g -e s/amp\;//g -e s/\&quot\;/\"/g -e s/\&\#\1\6\0\;/\ /g | \
   sed '/# end of generate_XDS.INP/,$d' | awk '/^#/,/rm -f tmp1 tmp2/' > generate_XDS.INP'
 sudo chmod +x generate_XDS.INP

To get XDS:

 cd /usr/local/bin
 sudo sh -c 'curl -L -o - | tar xvf -'
 sudo ln -sf XDS-OSX_64/* .

To get XDS-Viewer, click , install in the usual graphical way to your /Applications and then

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/xds-viewer


 cd /usr/local/bin
 sudo curl -L -o xdsstat.bz2
 sudo bunzip2 -f xdsstat.bz2
 sudo chmod a+x xdsstat

To get XDSGUI, please download from and then

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/xdsgui

Please also check XDSGUI#Installation.

It is useful to install xxdiff from


If any of the commands

ls -l /usr/local/bin/generate_XDS.INP
ls -l /usr/local/bin/xdsgui
ls -l /usr/local/bin/xds-viewer

returns a message like file or directory not found then this means that you do not have the symlink. But even if these commands do not return errors, you should also check the targets of the symlink:

ls -l /Applications/
ls -l /Applications/ 

Again, these commands should not return an error message. If they do, the programs are not installed in the location where the symlink points to. You'll have to either install the programs properly (in /Applications) or make the symlink point to the correct location.


Sorry, neither XDS nor XDSGUI is currently available for Windows.