Visualizing XDS data reduction
The latest beta versions of ADXV (from can read spot files (whose name ends with .adx) and display them together with the frames.
This is Fortran code for generating these files in the same directory where the frames are (i.e. you need write permission in that directory!):
! Task: generate .adx files from existing XDS.INP and XDS_ASCII.HKL ! to be able to visualize where XDS finds/expects reflections ! The latest beta versions of ADXV (from ! can read these .adx files and display them together with the frames. ! Compilation: save this code as "generate_adx.f90" and compile with e.g. ! gfortran -O -C generate_adx.f90 -o generate_adx ! Then move the resulting binary to /usr/local/bin or ~/bin ! Usage: go to the directory which has XDS_ASCII.HKL and run generate_adx ! - the resulting files will be written to the directory where the frames are ! - which means you need write permission for that directory ! - which also means that the program might overwrite your frames if something goes wrong ! If you don't want this then just change the NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES= line. ! Kay Diederichs 6/2009 ! implicit none integer :: hkl(3),iframe,j=-10000,mini=huge(mini),maxi=-huge(maxi),& nref=0,i,i1,i2,num real intensity,sigi,x,y,z character :: string*80,frmnam*80,form*6='(i0.0)' logical :: back=.true. 100 format(5i5) 101 format(a) ! find out NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES open(1,file='XDS.INP',status='old') do read(1,101,end=98) string string=adjustl(string) if (string(:29)=='NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES=') then frmnam=adjustl(string(30:)) i1=index(frmnam,'!') if (i1>0) frmnam=frmnam(:i1-1) if (index(frmnam,'.',back)>index(frmnam,'?',back)) then frmnam=frmnam(:index(frmnam,'.',back))//'adx' ! exchange extension else frmnam=frmnam(:len_trim(frmnam))//'.adx' ! add extension endif endif end do 98 close(1) print*,'.adx names :',frmnam(:len_trim(frmnam)) ! prepare modification of framename i1=index(frmnam,'?') i2=0 do i=i1,80 if (frmnam(i:i)=='?') then i2=i else exit endif end do if (i2==0) stop 'template should contain a ?' write(form(3:3),'(i1)') i2-i1+1 form(5:5)=form(3:3) ! sort XDS_ASCII.HKL by frame number print*,'sorting XDS_ASCII.HKL ...' call system('grep -v \! XDS_ASCII.HKL | sort -k 8n > temp_adx.sort') open(1,file='temp_adx.sort') print*,'sorting XDS_ASCII.HKL done' num=10000 do read(1,*,end=99)hkl,intensity,sigi,x,y,z iframe=int(z)+1 mini=min(iframe,mini) maxi=max(iframe,maxi) nref=nref+1 if (mod(nref,num)==0) then print*,'working',num num=num*2 endif if (iframe/=j) then ! new frame write(frmnam(i1:i2),form) iframe if (j/=-10000) close(2) open(2,file=frmnam) j=iframe endif ! XDS starts counting at 1, whereas ADXV starts at 0: write(string,100) nint(x)-1,nint(y)-1,hkl call removeblanks(string) write(2,101)string(:len_trim(string)) end do 99 print*,'first frame, last frame, nref=',mini,maxi,nref close(1,status='delete') close(2) end ! subroutine removeblanks(string) ! Removes leading and trailing blanks, and turns multiple blanks into one blank. implicit none character string*(*),copy*80 integer i,j logical first j=0 first=.false. do i=1,len_trim(string) if (string(i:i) /= ' ') then j=j+1 copy(j:j)=string(i:i) first=.true. elseif (first) then j=j+1 copy(j:j)=string(i:i) first=.false. endif end do string=copy(1:j) end