Line 3: |
Line 3: |
| The latest beta versions of ADXV (from http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv/) can read spot files (whose name ends with .adx) and display them together with the frames. | | The latest beta versions of ADXV (from http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv/) can read spot files (whose name ends with .adx) and display them together with the frames. |
| |
| This is Fortran code for generating these files in the same directory where the frames are (i.e. you need write permission in that directory!):
| | These spot files can be written by [[generate_adx]]. In adxv's file selection window, it is useful to change the filename pattern from e.g. "*.cbf" to just "*" which then gives you the possibility to load frames and spot files at will. |
| | |
| ! Task: generate .adx files from existing XDS.INP and XDS_ASCII.HKL
| |
| ! to be able to visualize where XDS finds/expects reflections
| |
| ! The latest beta versions of ADXV (from http://www.scripps.edu/~arvai/adxv/)
| |
| ! can read these .adx files and display them together with the frames.
| |
| ! Compilation: save this code as "generate_adx.f90" and compile with e.g.
| |
| ! gfortran -O -C generate_adx.f90 -o generate_adx
| |
| ! Then move the resulting binary to /usr/local/bin or ~/bin
| |
| ! Usage: go to the directory which has XDS_ASCII.HKL and run generate_adx
| |
| ! - the resulting files will be written to the directory where the frames are
| |
| ! - which means you need write permission for that directory
| |
| ! - which also means that the program might overwrite your frames if something goes wrong
| |
| ! If you don't want this then just change the NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES= line.
| |
| ! Kay Diederichs 6/2009
| |
| !
| |
| implicit none
| |
| integer :: hkl(3),iframe,j=-10000,mini=huge(mini),maxi=-huge(maxi),&
| |
| nref=0,i,i1,i2,num
| |
| real intensity,sigi,x,y,z
| |
| character :: string*80,frmnam*80,form*6='(i0.0)'
| |
| logical :: back=.true.
| |
| |
| 100 format(5i5)
| |
| 101 format(a)
| |
| |
| |
| open(1,file='XDS.INP',status='old')
| |
| do
| |
| read(1,101,end=98) string
| |
| string=adjustl(string)
| |
| if (string(:29)=='NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES=') then
| |
| frmnam=adjustl(string(30:))
| |
| i1=index(frmnam,'!')
| |
| if (i1>0) frmnam=frmnam(:i1-1)
| |
| if (index(frmnam,'.',back)>index(frmnam,'?',back)) then
| |
| frmnam=frmnam(:index(frmnam,'.',back))//'adx' ! exchange extension
| |
| else
| |
| frmnam=frmnam(:len_trim(frmnam))//'.adx' ! add extension
| |
| endif
| |
| endif
| |
| end do
| |
| 98 close(1)
| |
| print*,'.adx names :',frmnam(:len_trim(frmnam))
| |
| ! prepare modification of framename
| |
| i1=index(frmnam,'?')
| |
| i2=0
| |
| do i=i1,80
| |
| if (frmnam(i:i)=='?') then
| |
| i2=i
| |
| else
| |
| exit
| |
| endif
| |
| end do
| |
| if (i2==0) stop 'template should contain a ?'
| |
| write(form(3:3),'(i1)') i2-i1+1
| |
| form(5:5)=form(3:3)
| |
| |
| ! sort XDS_ASCII.HKL by frame number
| |
| print*,'sorting XDS_ASCII.HKL ...'
| |
| call system('grep -v \! XDS_ASCII.HKL | sort -k 8n > temp_adx.sort')
| |
| open(1,file='temp_adx.sort')
| |
| print*,'sorting XDS_ASCII.HKL done'
| |
| |
| num=10000
| |
| do
| |
| read(1,*,end=99)hkl,intensity,sigi,x,y,z
| |
| iframe=int(z)+1
| |
| mini=min(iframe,mini)
| |
| maxi=max(iframe,maxi)
| |
| nref=nref+1
| |
| if (mod(nref,num)==0) then
| |
| print*,'working',num
| |
| num=num*2
| |
| endif
| |
| if (iframe/=j) then ! new frame
| |
| write(frmnam(i1:i2),form) iframe
| |
| if (j/=-10000) close(2)
| |
| open(2,file=frmnam)
| |
| j=iframe
| |
| endif
| |
| ! XDS starts counting at 1, whereas ADXV starts at 0:
| |
| write(string,100) nint(x)-1,nint(y)-1,hkl
| |
| call removeblanks(string)
| |
| write(2,101)string(:len_trim(string))
| |
| end do
| |
| 99 print*,'first frame, last frame, nref=',mini,maxi,nref
| |
| close(1,status='delete')
| |
| close(2)
| |
| end
| |
| !
| |
| subroutine removeblanks(string)
| |
| ! Removes leading and trailing blanks, and turns multiple blanks into one blank.
| |
| implicit none
| |
| character string*(*),copy*80
| |
| integer i,j
| |
| logical first
| |
| |
| j=0
| |
| first=.false.
| |
| do i=1,len_trim(string)
| |
| if (string(i:i) /= ' ') then
| |
| j=j+1
| |
| copy(j:j)=string(i:i)
| |
| first=.true.
| |
| elseif (first) then
| |
| j=j+1
| |
| copy(j:j)=string(i:i)
| |
| first=.false.
| |
| endif
| |
| end do
| |
| string=copy(1:j)
| |
| end
| |