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A list of all pages that have property "Has text" with value "<span class="poem"> <p>And instantly her own car was stuck. </p> </span>". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Who Lies?  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • School Days  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Old Homestead  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Road to Glory  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • Days of Opportunity  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Steering Wheel  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Value of Thrift  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • Our California  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Mountains  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • Our Support  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> <i>—The Car with Character.</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • For the Marriage of Faustus and Helen  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 11em;"> III</span> </p> </div>)
  • She being Brand  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 16em;"> (it</span> </p> </div>)
  • A Family Jar  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 2em;"> Taken from life—The “Ad” writer’s life.</span> </p> </div>)
  • The Bridge: VII The Tunnel  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 3em;"> And somehow anyhow swing—</span> </p> </div>)
  • In a Breath  + (<div class="poem"> <p><span class="mw-poem-indented" style="display: inline-block; margin-inline-start: 5em;"> <i>To the Williamson Brothers</i></span> </p> </div>)
  • The Man Speaks  + (<div class="poem"> <p>A breath from the sea is kissing the housetops of the city,<br /> Kissing the roofs,<br /> And dying into silence. </p> </div>)
  • Rabbit Elusiveness  + (<div class="poem"> <p>A fleet <div class="poem"></br><p>A fleet of latest motor cars, the best ones ever built,<br /></br>Masterpieces, too, of art in frames of finest gilt.<br /></br>Profits from our rabbits would buy us many things,<br /></br>Wipe away the loss our orchard always brings.</br></p></br></div>s,<br /> Wipe away the loss our orchard always brings. </p> </div>)
  • Indignation and Jubilation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>A friend, to us did come who’s sore,<br /> You should have heard his awful roar.<br /> A copper on the great high-way<br /> Caught him in a trap one day. </p> </div>)
  • The Value of Thrift  + (<div class="poem"> <p>A motor car is like a man,<br /> Some cannot save and others can,<br /> The one of all that saves the most,<br /> It’s Studebaker’s right to boast. </p> </div>)
  • The Road  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Ah little road, brown as my race is brown,<br /> Your trodden beauty like our trodden pride,<br /> Dust of the dust, they must not bruise you down.<br /> Rise to one brimming golden, spilling cry! </p> </div>)
  • Baby  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Albert! <br /> Hey, Albert! <br /> Don't you play in dat road. <br /> You see dem trucks <br /> A-goin' by. <br /> One run ovah you <br /> An' you die. <br /> Albert, don't you play in dat road. </p> </div>)
  • Interest Bearing Investments  + (<div class="poem"> <p>All through life as taught by Him,<br /> If you take out you must put in,<br /> It’s things you do for all about,<br /> You take your biggest interest out. </p> </div>)
  • The Road of Human Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Along the Road of Human Life,<br /> So very near, on either side,<br /> With winds and storms and billows rife,<br /> There is a sea that's wide;<br /> And woe to him who trips and falls<br /> Into that darkening tide. </p> </div>)
  • Free Air  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And instantly her own car was stuck. </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And the country calls to the city-bred,<br /> "Come away from the fields of strife,<br /> For a breath of air from the snow-clad peaks<br /> In the traffic of Joy is Life.” </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And the dream of man is a broader dream<br /> With the span of his life’s increase,<br /> And the throbbing pulse of the motor car<br /> Bears him nearer the haunts of Peace. </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And we laugh at Time as the tardy Hours<br /> In their gallop from Day’s red dawn<br /> Are outdistanced far in the swift-sped race<br /> By this product of brain and brawn. </p> </div>)
  • On a Tree Fallen Across The Road  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And yet she knows obstruction is in vain:<br /> We will not be put off the final goal<br /> We have it hidden in us to attain,<br /> Not though we have to seize earth by the pole </p> </div>)
  • On a Tree Fallen Across The Road  + (<div class="poem"> <p>And, tired of aimless circling in one place,<br /> Steer straight off after something into space. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Around this table without any jars<br /> They freely debated on all motor cars.<br /> They praised or condemned without any heat,<br /> Each claiming his car did all others beat. </p> </div>)
  • Automobiling in the West  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Arrived at the Gap and Mr. Winton soon developed uneasiness because of the enforced delay in the trip. Next morning he announced his intention of making a temporary repair and working ahead slowly through the snow. </p> </div>)
  • Our Support  + (<div class="poem"> <p>As long as one lives and stirs all around,<br /> There’s food and dress for him to be found.<br /> Industry is said to be a health maker,<br /> We find it in selling the Six Studebaker. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>At Lakin, Kansas, he stopped with cousins for a few days, meanwhile selling two cars to be delivered later. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>At a certain round-table a good-natured bunch<br /> Of finest of fellows met daily for lunch.<br /> An hour’s interchange of thoughts and ideas,<br /> All would depart each feeling at ease. </p> </div>)
  • The Young Housewife  + (<div class="poem"> <p>At ten A.M. the young housewife<br /> moves about in negligee behind<br /> the wooden walls of her husband's house.<br /> I pass solitary in my car. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>At the theatre, playing tennis, driving motor cars we had, <br /> In our continental villas, mixing cocktails for a cad. </p> </div>)
  • Civilization  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Away then, with soft ideals:<br /> Brace yourself with bitterness:<br /> A drink of that biting liquor, the Truth... </p> </div>)
  • Knutsford Park Races  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Batch o' p'licemen, lookin' fine,<br /> Tramp away to de car line;<br /> No more pólicemen can be<br /> Smart as those from Half Way Tree:<br /> Happy, all have happy faces,<br /> For 'tis Knutsford Park big races. </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Blind fools of fate and slaves of circumstance,<br /> Life is a fiddler, and we all must dance.<br /> From gloom where mocks that will-o'-wisp, Free-will<br /> I heard a voice cry: "Say, give us a chance." </p> </div>)
  • Where Happiness Lies  + (<div class="poem"> <p>But married life will have its flaws,<br /> Till states alike have divorce laws.<br /> They’ve got to come to save the home,<br /> Or things will be just like Old Rome. </p> </div>)
  • Indignation and Jubilation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>But now our friend’s in greatest glee,<br /> The palmy days are o’er you see.<br /> The law has stopped the use of traps<br /> To curb abuse of motor chaps. </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Chance! Oh, there is no chance! The scene is set.<br /> Up with the curtain! Man, the marionette,<br /> Resumes his part. The gods will work the wires.<br /> They've got it all down fine, you bet, you bet! </p> </div>)
  • Civilization  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Civilization!<br /> Everybody kind and gentle, and men giving up<br /> their seats in the car for the women...<br /> What an ideal!<br /> How bracing! </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>DIFFICULTY GOING IN THE MOUNTAINS OF UTAH </p> </div>)
  • The Man Speaks  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Dare we betray this moment?<br /> Dare we die, missing this fire?<br /> Whither goes massive Earth tonight, flying with the stars down eternity?<br /> We are alive: we are for each other. </p> </div>)
  • The Road of Human Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Despair! Despair! That is the sea<br /> Which ever is at our feet,<br /> Seeks to envelop you and me,<br /> In ruin full, complete,<br /> Cause us to deem this life a curse<br /> And make death's name sound sweet. </p> </div>)
  • The Value of Thrift  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Do not discouraged ever be<br /> Because the end you cannot see.<br /> Many possessing the lion’s part,<br /> Had to make the poor man’s start. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Drop those priggish ways for ever, stop behaving like a stone: <br /> Throw the bath-chairs right away, and learn to leave ourselves alone. </p> </div>)
  • Clark Street Bridge  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Dust of the feet<br /> And dust of the wheels,<br /> Wagons and people going,<br /> All day feet and wheels. </p> </div>)