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A list of all pages that have property "Has text" with value "<span class="poem"> <p>Hey, Buddy! <br /> Look at me! </p> </span>". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • The Bridge: VII The Tunnel  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For Gravesend Manor change at Chambers Street.<br /> The platform hurries along to a dead stop. </p> </div>)
  • Where Happiness Lies  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For men who fail to keep in sight,<br /> The laws of God for doing right,<br /> The laws of man are also made,<br /> With price to pay if you evade. </p> </div>)
  • Lockerbie Street  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For the birthday of James Whitcomb Riley, October 7, 1914. </p> </div>)
  • Spring in California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For the feverish press in this Game of Life<br /> What a balm does Nature bear!<br /> What a draught of health in the new-turned earth,<br /> What a change from the realm of Care! </p> </div>)
  • Chaplinesque  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For we can still love the world, who find<br /> A famished kitten on the step, and know<br /> Recesses for it from the fury of the street,<br /> Or warm torn elbow coverts. </p> </div>)
  • Interest Bearing Investments  + (<div class="poem"> <p>For you, your business does not pay,<br /> And you lament from day to day,<br /> You have not to your business given,<br /> That from which pay is deriven. </p> </div>)
  • Our Support  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Fortune comes through diligence and skill,<br /> There is always a way where there is a will,<br /> Industry of hand as well as of brain,<br /> Makes everything easy that’s worthy of gain. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Fred carried the tramp with him to the next town and took him to a restaurant for a meal, but as soon as they had finished eating the tramp made a bee-line for a freight train—and oblivion, as far as Fred was concerned. </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>From out the mesh of fate our heads we thrust.<br /> We can't do what we would, but what we must.<br /> Heredity has got us in a cinch—<br /> (Consoling thought when you've been on a "bust.") </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>From the snow-clad peaks of the Siskiyous<br /> To the warmth of the southern sun,<br /> Over roads that wind through the marts of trade,<br /> Does the traffic of pleasure run. </p> </div>)
  • Knutsford Park Races  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Ge'men wid dem smart spy-glass,<br /> Well equip' fe spot dem harse,<br /> Dress' in Yankee-fashion clo'es,<br /> Watch de flag as do'n it goes:<br /> Oh! de eager, eager faces<br /> At de Knutsford Park big races! </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Get there if you can and see the land you once were proud to own <br /> Though the roads have almost vanished and the expresses never run: </p> </div>)
  • The Steering Wheel  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Give us the still California night,<br /> When the moon is full and shining bright.<br /> Then life to us is never so real,<br /> If turning a Six Studebaker wheel. </p> </div>)
  • Where Happiness Lies  + (<div class="poem"> <p>God made all things to live by pair,<br /> The beasts of field and birds of air<br /> He made to make no bad mistakes,<br /> But man he left to make some breaks. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Golf came in for a share of discussion,<br /> There’s nothing in golf to cause any fussin’,<br /> If business was good or if it was bad,<br /> They tackled the matter and never got mad. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>HOSPITALITY SHORTENS A LONG WAIT </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Hark to the song where spheral voices blend:<br /> "There's no beginning, never will be end."<br /> It makes us nutty; hang the astral chimes!<br /> The table's spread; come, let us dine, my friend. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Have things gone too far already? Are we done for? Must we wait <br /> Hearing doom’s approaching footsteps regular down miles of straight; </p> </div>)
  • The Road to Glory  + (<div class="poem"> <p>He said, "I's read de Good Book thro',<br /> I's fahmiliar with all de ol' an' new.<br /> Now you's all bette' believe in dis story,<br /> If you's a gonna get yo' a home in glory." </p> </div>)
  • Our California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>He said, when he answered in reply,<br /> "I thought that heaven was up on high.<br /> From what you say of your state so fair,<br /> I think that heaven must be out there." </p> </div>)
  • Man's Idiosyncrasy  + (<div class="poem"> <p>He went to war and gained renown,<br /> In every fight he stood his ground,<br /> Bullets passed him thick and fast,<br /> Not a scratch from first to last. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Head-gears gaunt on grass-grown pit-banks, seams abandoned years ago; <br /> Drop a stone and listen for its splash in flooded dark below. </p> </div>)
  • Free Air  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Her father spoke: "You're biting your lips. They'll bleed, if you don't look out. Better stop and rest. </p> </div>)
  • Free Air  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Her smile was warm and real. "No. I'm a fool. You told me to put on chains. I didn't. I deserve it." </p> </div>)
  • Knutsford Park Races  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Hey! de flag is gone do'n, oh!<br /> Off at grips de harses go!<br /> Dainty's leadin' at a boun',<br /> Stirrup-cup is gainin' ground':<br /> Strainin', eager strainin' faces<br /> At de Knutsford Park big races. </p> </div>)
  • Florida Road Workers  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Hey, Buddy, look! <br /> I'm makin' a road! </p> </div>)
  • In a Breath  + (<div class="poem"> <p>High noon. White sun flashes on the Michigan Avenue asphalt. Drum of hoofs and whirr of motors. Women trapsing along in flimsy clothes catching play of sun-fire to their skin and eyes. </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Holy, holy, holy, sang the choir,<br /> From singing holy seemed to never tire,<br /> We were told it was an anthem grand,<br /> Sung in churches through the land. </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Holy, holy, on they sang,<br /> The church with holy, holy, rang,<br /> They kept right on to holy sing,<br /> We thought a change the proper thing. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Hope and fear are neck and neck: which is it near the course’s end <br /> Crashes, having lost his nerve; is overtaken on the bend? </p> </div>)
  • The Spirit of Transportation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I am the Spirit of Things that Are,<br /> Born of an urgent need,<br /> Of the Force that lies<br /> In a Man's surmise<br /> In a day ere the Age of Speed. </p> </div>)
  • The Spirit of Transportation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I am the Spirit of Things that Are,<br /> Born of an urgent need,<br /> Of the Force that lies<br /> In a Man's surmise<br /> In a day ere the Age of Speed. </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I answered Her: The choice is mine—ah, no!<br /> We all were made or marred long, long ago.<br /> The parts are written; hear the super wail:<br /> "Who is stage-managing this cosmic show?" </p> </div>)
  • Washington Square  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I cannot go:<br /> I dream that behind a window one wakes, a woman:<br /> She is thinking of me. </p> </div>)
  • XI (The Right of Way)  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I saw a girl with one leg<br /> over the rail of a balcony </p> </div>)
  • The Spirit of Transportation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I was at hand when the primal herd<br /> Toiled o'er the heavy sledge,<br /> As they dragged their load<br /> To their cave abode<br /> By the rippling river's edge. </p> </div>)
  • Florida Road Workers  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I'm makin' a road <br /> For the cars to fly by on, <br /> Makin' a road <br /> Through the palmetto thicket <br /> For light and civilization <br /> To travel on. </p> </div>)
  • Florida Road Workers  + (<div class="poem"> <p>I'm makin' a road <br /> For the rich to sweep over <br /> In their big cars <br /> And leave me standin' here. </p> </div>)
  • Indignation and Jubilation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If all our officers were true<br /> And treated as the same as you,<br /> Our friend would then feel he were safer<br /> Where'er he'd go in a Studebaker. </p> </div>)
  • Interest Bearing Investments  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If interest in your church has died,<br /> It doesn’t revive although you’ve tried,<br /> Just ask yourself and look within<br /> To see what you are putting in. </p> </div>)
  • The Value of Thrift  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If some investments have not paid,<br /> From the savings you have made,<br /> The gift for thrift to you He gave,<br /> You cannot lose if still you save. </p> </div>)
  • The Mountains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If the mountains were never stationed there,<br /> We would not have the purified air,<br /> Nor would flowing rivers be sustained,<br /> If in the mountains it never rained. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If we really want to live, we’d better start at once to try; <br /> If we don’t, it doesn’t matter, but we’d better start to die. </p> </div>)
  • Days of Opportunity  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If you are inclined to lament and say,<br /> There are no opportunities found today,<br /> With the rest of the world you're out of step,<br /> Your body and mind are short on pep. </p> </div>)
  • Interest Bearing Investments  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If you have brothers in your lodge,<br /> You now quite often try to dodge,<br /> Then your interest’s growing slim,<br /> You must put in if you would win. </p> </div>)
  • Interest Bearing Investments  + (<div class="poem"> <p>If your home is not going right,<br /> You stay out late most every night,<br /> You have no longer interest there,<br /> You’ve no investment worth the care. </p> </div>)
  • Free Air  + (<div class="poem"> <p>In alarm she thought, "How long does it last? I can't keep this up. I--Oh!" </p> </div>)
  • XI (The Right of Way)  + (<div class="poem"> <p>In passing with my mind<br /> on nothing in the world </p> </div>)
  • On the Great Plateau  + (<div class="poem"> <p>In the Santa Clara Valley, far away and far away, <br /> Cool-breathed waters dip and dally, linger towards another day—<br /> Far and far away—far away. </p> </div>)
  • Wars  + (<div class="poem"> <p>In the o<div class="poem"></br><p>In the old wars drum of hoofs and the beat of shod feet.<br /></br>In the new wars hum of motors and the tread of rubber tires.<br /></br>In the wars to come silent wheels and whirr of rods not yet dreamed out in the heads of men.</br></p></br></div>whirr of rods not yet dreamed out in the heads of men. </p> </div>)