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A list of all pages that have property "Has text" with value "<span class="poem"> <p>Upon Returning to the Country Road </p> </span>". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

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List of results

  • The Spirit of Transportation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Then came the quickening urge of Trade,<br /> Commerce must travel far,<br /> And my wings I gave<br /> To this earth-born slave<br /> With the joys of the motor car. </p> </div>)
  • Spring in California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Then o'er hill and dale to the realm of snow,<br /> To the mirrored lakes and rills,<br /> While the skylark's call from the meadows green<br /> Can be heard on a thousand hills. </p> </div>)
  • The Poplar  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There are beautiful beeches down beyond the hill.<br /> Will you always stand there shivering? </p> </div>)
  • Rabbit Elusiveness  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There came to us a vision of life’s perpetual dream,<br /> We made our decision to follow up the gleam.<br /> We could build a fortune big and doubly sure,<br /> Raising market rabbits if the breed was pure. </p> </div>)
  • The Steering Wheel  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There is joy in a limited fast express,<br /> If a first class ticket you possess.<br /> But you'll better enjoy an evening meal,<br /> From holding a Six Studebaker wheel. </p> </div>)
  • Spring in California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There's a strident call in the Open Road<br /> Where the Spring's glad message lies,<br /> And the motor sings me a joyous song<br /> With a lilt of the azure skies. </p> </div>)
  • Quatrains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There's no haphazard in this world of ours.<br /> Cause and effect are grim, relentless powers.<br /> They rule the world. (A king was shot last night;<br /> Last night I held the joker and both bowers.) </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There’s a pleasure here that our fathers knew<br /> At the pull of the dappled greys,<br /> Or the Roman lord with his Arab steed<br /> As he basked in the public gaze. </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There’s a subtle lure in the summer air,<br /> Wherever the road may lead,<br /> And a power that throbs with the pulsing gears—<br /> What a joy in the Age of Speed! </p> </div>)
  • The Value of Thrift  + (<div class="poem"> <p>There’s not a man who doesn’t know,<br /> To pay is better as you go.<br /> You'll find if you do not keep up,<br /> You'll be forever on the jump. </p> </div>)
  • Days of Opportunity  + (<div class="poem"> <p>These men did not lament and say,<br /> No opportunities are there today,<br /> By grit and ambition, pluck and skill,<br /> They made opportunity through, "I Will." </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>These were boon companions who devised the legends for our tombs, <br /> These who have betrayed us nicely while we took them to our rooms. </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p>They call this music very fine,<br /> Sung by the choir in perfect time,<br /> Here’s the music we prefer,<br /> A Studebaker engine’s purr. </p> </div>)
  • The Mountains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>They rise to proud and lofty height,<br /> Forbidding and dark are they at night.<br /> Their summits kiss the heavens high,<br /> They ever remind us God is nigh. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>They talked of the weather careless and free,<br /> A topic on which they did all agree.<br /> When one would mention the income tax,<br /> It was an occasion to give it some whacks. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Things they discussed to no one was vital,<br /> Subjects were chosen for safety of title<br /> Till they took up a question a million years old<br /> Of vital concern to every one’s soul. </p> </div>)
  • Our Support  + (<div class="poem"> <p>This rule is good for most every man,<br /> The more we do, the more we can.<br /> More busy we are, more leisure we have,<br /> For play to serve as our safety valve. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>This was a happy climax and far beyond our expectations, because we had thought of the trip only as an advertising stunt for the Brush factory and the Brush Runabout. </p> </div>)
  • The Old Homestead  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Those hearts of the long ago we treasure,<br /> In the memory with unstinted measure,<br /> All gathered around that Christmas tree,<br /> Where the old homestead used to be. </p> </div>)
  • The Traffic of Life  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Through the forest aisles to the silver sea,<br /> To the crest of the sun-kissed hills,<br /> As the motor sings on the Open Road<br /> And the heart of all nature thrills. </p> </div>)
  • Spring in California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Through the forests, born in an ancient day,<br /> With their banks of moss and bloom,<br /> And the bordered aisles of the canyons dim<br /> Where the giant Redwoods loom. </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Through this anthem that we heard,<br /> But holy not another word,<br /> The song was just a lavish noise,<br /> To fill you with a lot of joys. </p> </div>)
  • Where Happiness Lies  + (<div class="poem"> <p>To man his married life’s a boon,<br /> If it is sweet and right in tune.<br /> But fights and scraps and family jars,<br /> Are worse than some old motor cars. </p> </div>)
  • Days of Opportunity  + (<div class="poem"> <p>To the White House and the President's chair,<br /> No American boy need have despair,<br /> There is nothing a boy can't overcome,<br /> With talent and energy making the run. </p> </div>)
  • Days of Opportunity  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Today is the golden day of days,<br /> Opportunity all around you plays,<br /> Much depends that you keep on a-trying,<br /> If you climb like Studebakers people are buying. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>WESTWARD PIONEERS-A BRUSH AND THE TRINKLES </p> </div>)
  • Rabbit Elusiveness  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We bough<div class="poem"></br><p>We bought up all the lumber in Curran’s lumber yard,<br /></br>Built a thousand hutches, for cost had no regard.<br /></br>Faithfully with many tools we labored every day,<br /></br>Fully settled in our mind we’d make the rabbits pay.</br></p></br></div>r /> Fully settled in our mind we’d make the rabbits pay. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We decided they thought our car would get stuck in the deep sand on the steep grade and they would have some fun pulling us out, but the car had crawled along slowly and steadily, spoiling their fun. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We did not try to make fast time, because safety was our first thought. Fred went over the car carefully each morning before starting. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We heard there were three feet of snow in Weber Canyon, which we had just come through, and were most thankful we had wasted no time on the way. </p> </div>)
  • The Road to Glory  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We know a good old Missouri town,<br /> Where "niggers" a-plenty live all around.<br /> On a little hill down near the mill,<br /> The "nigger" church is standing still. </p> </div>)
  • Chaplinesque  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We make our meek adjustments,<br /> Contented with such random consolations<br /> As the wind deposits<br /> In slithered and too ample pockets. </p> </div>)
  • Man's Idiosyncrasy  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We now relate this sorry fact,<br /> He’s been a month upon his back,<br /> On both his cheeks he’ll have a scar,<br /> He stepped in front of a motor car. </p> </div>)
  • Kisses by the Roadside  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We saw them by our headlight's glare,<br /> Through their windshield sitting there,<br /> Oblivious to the world around,<br /> They kissed and made but little sound. </p> </div>)
  • Washington Square  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We sleep in the eternal arms of night:<br /> We give ourselves, in the heart of peril,<br /> To sheer unconsciousness:<br /> Silently sliding through space, the huge globe turns. </p> </div>)
  • Automobiling in the West  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We walked back to Summit Station and stayed at the hotel that night. Next morning, aided by some kindly disposed railroad men who could handle shovels most effectively, the machine was dislodged. </p> </div>)
  • Chaplinesque  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We will sidestep, and to the final smirk<br /> Dally the doom of that inevitable thumb<br /> That slowly chafes its puckered index toward us,<br /> Facing the dull squint with what innocence<br /> And what surprise! </p> </div>)
  • Our California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We wrote him, "We can tell no more,<br /> But when you reach this western shore,<br /> Studebakers you'll see them everywhere."<br /> Then, he said, "Heaven is there." </p> </div>)
  • Our California  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We wrote to a friend back east one day,<br /> And told him all we thought to say.<br /> We filled a dozen pages or more,<br /> Of the glories of this far western shore. </p> </div>)
  • The Steering Wheel  + (<div class="poem"> <p>We'll warrant your mind will quickly fill<br /> With thoughts for a Six so full of thrill.<br /> To drive the ideal Six Automobile,<br /> Get back of a Six Studebaker wheel. </p> </div>)
  • Where Happiness Lies  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When man does choose his mate for life,<br /> He would avoid so much of strife,<br /> If he would use his common sense,<br /> And not so often be so dense. </p> </div>)
  • Sung by the Choir  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When the choir the anthem gave,<br /> Some we heard about it rave,<br /> All that we could understand,<br /> Was holy, holy, holy-land. </p> </div>)
  • Safety in Conversation  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When they discussed our time parking limit,<br /> All were agreed on keeping within it.<br /> But when they brought up our boulevard stop,<br /> Not one but said it was all tommy-rot. </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When we asked the way to Heaven, these directed us ahead <br /> To the padded room, the clinic and the hangman’s little shed. </p> </div>)
  • The Mountains  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When we view the mountains all around,<br /> From their vast stillness not a sound,<br /> They seem just like some silent friend<br /> On whom we safely can depend. </p> </div>)
  • The Road to Glory  + (<div class="poem"> <p>When we were there some years ago,<br /> This church each night gave quite a show.<br /> To enter the house we had to strive,<br /> For the building was packed to all revive. </p> </div>)
  • The Love-Hour  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Where is there rose-garden,<br /> Where is there balcony among the cedars and pines,<br /> Where is there moonlit clearing in the dumb wilderness,<br /> Enchanted as this doorway, dark in the glare of the city? </p> </div>)
  • XXII  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Where the Sunday lads come talking motor bicycle and girl, <br /> Smoking cigarettes in chains until their heads are in a whirl. </p> </div>)
  • Coast to Coast in a Brush Runabout  + (<div class="poem"> <p>While scouting around, Fred found that the railroad company had a dining car there to serve meals to the train crews as they came in from their division runs, so he made arrangements for us to have our meals there. </p> </div>)
  • XI (The Right of Way)  + (<div class="poem"> <p>Why bother where I went?<br /> for I went spinning on the </p> </div>)